Reimagining Agriculture.

Lone Pine has been working to create, preserve, and enhance agricultural spaces for the last decade.

Step out into the field and imagine the possibilities.

Our Vision:

Lone Pine Farm & Studio is committed to preserving and enhancing the role of agriculture in everyday life. By designing and creating agricultural systems at varied scales — from rooftop garden to country estate, Lone Pine empowers individuals to reclaim agency over what nourishes their family and community.

For many, food insecurity is an alarming reality. We are facing an urgent, global crisis, affecting millions of households in this country alone.

Now is the time to act:

Build your garden.

Become more self-sufficient.

Reduce your reliance on external food systems proven to be fragile, inequitable, and wholly inadequate.

Our Process:

At Home

The first step is starting small at home; buy from a local farmer, invest in a few raised beds in your backyard, then look outward to your immediate community and start collaborating.

On the Farm

For the Farmer, start with exploring low-cost ways cover-croping and inexpensive greenhouse structures on your farm will have a dramatic impact on soil health and over-all productivity and profitability.

Corporations & Not-For-Profits

As larger institutions pivot, and push to re-write their narrative and re-dial their public facing message, let us help you put a meaningful effort into plans with technical assistance for giving, strategic partnerships, and prioritizing people over profit.

Lone Pine is committed to illuminating the pathway forward for all of us who are ready to dig in, and reach out.

Our approach

The common denominator in beginning any project —- large or small —- is gathering a fundamental understanding of needs and weighing outcomes. Process is simply how we as designers connect needs to outcomes.

The nature of farm/garden/food systems/program development process is rooted in gathering data, sorting information, deciphering knowledge, gaining insight, sparking wisdom, and alas, creating an impact.

Whether your goal is simply more tomatoes than last year; creating a plan for your backyard; or bridging the gap in your communities food supply chain, it’s our the privilege to light the way.


Ryan Montella, Director & Founder

Ryan is a farmer, designer, and planner based in western Massachusetts who has worked for the better part of two-decades on building and design initiatives, spending the last 15 years focusing on development & re-design of small and large farms alike, transforming conventional farm operations into robust, efficient, and thriving systems.

With a background in architecture & design, Ryan began looking at agriculture through a different lens after seeing the havoc, fragility, and destruction first-hand from Tropical Storm Irene, which impacted crops and destroyed small businesses, and local food systems while studying in Vermont’s Mad River Valley. Ryan has worked as a leader in shaping farm operations, led design/build projects, and has been an advocate for land preservation, ecological conservation, and amplifying regenerative farming practices within conventional & organic communities.

Ryan has been credited with designing and building the La Vida Verde center in Lo De Marcos Mexico, a sub-tropical research and farmer training program between 2012 and 2017. Ryan spent nearly 7 years working with small organic, mixed-vegetable farms on Bainbridge Island WA including Butler Green Farms & Hey Day Farm, optimizing their infrastructure & profitability, along with several commercial development groups and individuals looking to expand their agricultural capacity, and integrate commercial Ag. components into their plans. Ryan also served as a Board Member for the island based not-for-profit group Friends of the Farms which directs stewardship & preservation projects of over 40 acres of city owned farmland, and hosts several family run businesses.

Ryan co-founded in 2018, a leading online retailer/wholesaler focused on premium cannabis products based in Brattleboro, VT. Ryan also led the design and development of Dead Branch Farms / Berkshire Farm Collective, one of the first organic, regenerative hemp farms in Massachusetts, which was a key supplier to Cannaflower.

Ryan is currently the acting Farm Director at Eos Farms, and is leading the 3rd year of the farm’s re-development and expansion. Eos Farms is the largest outdoor cannabis farm in the northeastern United States. Founded in 2020, Eos Farms leads the market with Sun-Soil Cannabis Certified by the Cannabis Conservancy. Eos is currently cultivating over 90,000 square feet of outdoor canopy, and is running a 2,700 sq. ft. Nexus Greenhouse System. Read more about Eos here:

Have a cannabis project in mind? See how Lone Pine can help here.

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